
Welcome to Southampton SSAGO's Ball on a Boat!

We have arranged a fantastic weekend of entertainment for you. So, dust off your finest ball attire and join us on the MV Ocean Scene as we whisk you around the sights of the Solent. We have an excellent food menu on offer as well as an after dinner talk from our honoured guest John May. If that is not enough, we have booked a great DJ to finish off the cruise before heading off to our after party. Not only that, but we'll have photographers onboard to help you capture your ball memories forever (and the great news is your ticket price includes a free digital copy of all the photos taken during the evening!).

This year's ball is all about enjoying the whole weekend. So, we're also running a number of activities for you including a New Forest walk, a trip to the SeaCity museum, a promenade along the historic city walls and a round or two of mini golf. If those aren't for you then we've also put together a list of other attractions so feel free to entertain yourselves with something off there instead. 

We hope you have an excellent weekend and if you have any queries then please do get in touch.

The Ball on a Boat Committee

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Join us on the MV Ocean Scene!

If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact webmaster@ssago.org.