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We do need everyone off site on Sunday by 2pm. Minibuses to Barnt Green station will run until 2pm on request. Please let us know in the discord transportation chat when you need to leave the site and we will arrange transport. Bar menu and prices will be released as soon as we have confirmed them. Keep an eye on the website! Due to site quiet times and the fact there are other groups staying on site we are unable to do a disco that isn't "silent". Unfortunately, silent discos are very expensive and it wouldn't work with our budget. We do have the amazing UoB Folksoc doing our ceilidh however, so you will be able to do a bit of Scottish boogieing. We will also have a roaring campfire and our aptly named WunderBar so the evening will not end after the ceilidh. There is a school group staying in the Manor House on site for the weekend. You may see them on site during the day but they shouldn't have any reason to walk through our pitches. The onsite toilets will also be split into under 18 and over 18 sections. There are toilets in the Manor House so there shouldn't be any young people wandering the site in the evenings. In sum, no, rally won't be affected but please remain mindful of young people and act appropriately around them. By all means please use your free entry! Do send us an email though at if you plan to do this and we'll sort out payment and booking. Most of the geocaches in the city centre are subscription only on the Geocaching app and we want to ensure each group has full access to the app and all its features.
Previous Answers
I need to get the train back on Sunday so just wanted to know what time the shuttles would be back to the train station so I know what time to book?
Can we have the bar menu and prices to budget
I'm aware that silent discos are expensive to run so I understand why it isn't on the programme, but will there be a normal disco available on the Saturday evening, having a boogie is the best part of Rally! :')
I noticed on discord it was mentioned that you haven’t booked out the whole site, will there be other groups staying that weekend who have Young People and could this affect rally in any way?
I have booked onto the back to backs, and have a national trust membership which gives me free booking entry. Do I still have to pay £10 for it?
Why are you charging for geocaching?
If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact
Student Scout and Guide Organisation (SSAGO), 2025
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