
This event as a whole is being organised by Northumberland Scouts. If you have a question about the wider event, please consider getting in touch directly with the Camp Together team via the Camp Together website. If you have any questions more specific to SSAGO's attendance however, please get in touch here.

Tim Rodaway, who you may know as the former President of NUSSAGG & Chair of Viking Rally, is part of the core organising team for this event. As Evening Activities Manager, he is leading on the delivery of the evening enterntainment programme and also both the opening closing and ceremonies. He is also Assistant County Commissioner (Scout Network), so will be organising the Network/Inspire/SSAGO specific activity. If you have a questions specific to his role, SSAGO's attendance at the event, or would like to get involved with the organisation on his sub-team, please get in touch either via this form or email (

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All information on this event is subject to change, and the Camp Together website should be used as a more accurate source of information, especially with regards to bookings, rules and policies.


If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact