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Do you need to provide own floor for space in the floor for breakfasts

We are providing the floor, we are not providing breakfast, please make your own breakfast arrangements.
If this doesn't answer the intent of the question, please let us know!

Will the flats in Penbryn be exclusive to SSAGO, or will there be others in the flats as well?

The flats in Penbryn are only in use by SSAGO, and we will aim to put people from the same club in the same flats, but clubs may be mixed.

Can 2 people share a bed (are they double or single) in Aberystwyth accommodation?

Each room in Penbryn has just a single bed, and are therefore designed for single occupancy.

The university does have "The Bunkhouse" which has some double rooms, however, we have not arranged any deal for these rooms, and if you choose to book a room in the bunkhouse you may be in a flat with members of the public.

Bunkhouse rooms are available to book at https://bookaccommodation.aber.ac.uk/, if you do NOT enter the promotional code "SSAGO". The double rooms appear to be £104 for 2 nights.

Is there any possibility of getting a reduced price for the full tickets if people don't have 1 or 2 of the courses because some people have said that they don't want deserts and/or starters?

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer a reduced cost for 1 or 2 courses as the venue does not offer this option.
If anyone genuinely does not want to be served a starter and/or dessert for any reason, please let us know and we can ensure that information is passed on to the venue, but we cannot offer a discount in price for that. (We recommend making a new friend by offering your dish to someone on your table!)


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If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact webmaster@ssago.org.