You can ask a question here if it might be useful for other attendees to know the answer to, and once it gets a committee response the answer will appear here for everyone.

Previous Answers

Was this the best rally ever?!

You bet it was!

Where is the lunch location in Tamworth on Saturday?

The planet walk in Tamworth castle grounds!

What’s phone signal late

At all of our site visits we've had decent enough reception / not noticed any issues with it, so you should be fine.

Do we need to bring ID if we're unlucky enough to look over 25?

Not required if you look over 25 but we may refuse service if we ask and you can't provide it

Are there plans for and indoor/covered area for eating/hanging out/the ceilidh in case the Great British Weather decides to be the Great British Weather and absolutely chuck it down?

Yes we have 2 marquees ready to go if its raining that we will attach to the hall that we have and the committee room will become a communal space if the rain is bad!

Will the BBQ be available into the evening as myself and a few others will be arriving at about 8pm?

Yes, it will be available into the evening and once we stop the BBQ we will still be cooking food in the kitchen incase you arrive really late!

Will there be a bar?

Yes! Will also be selling merch at the bar

Is there going to be a bar?

Yes! We will also be selling merch at the bar

How much do i have to pay for you to all wear baguettes as onesies

How much are your willing to pay...

Is this going to be the best rally ever?

Absolutely! Get yourself booked on immediately

When will the shuttle bus from Tamworth run until on the Friday?

We will arrange then around when people say on their bookings they will be arriving, but we expect to be running them till around 11pm

What's the situation with bringing a bike for the mountain biking trails and getting a lift to/from the train station?

We should be able to fit it into the buses, let us know on your booking your are bringing and we can make suitable arrangements

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Test Answer

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