What rides are at Thorpe Park?

Theme Park Map

There are many different rides at Thorpe Park!


Prepare to experience the brake horse power of two Formula 1 cars, on our giant accelerator coaster. Place your head back, face forwards, hold on tight and brace yourself… prepare for launch!

Take your seat for a drag race like no other. This hydraulic launched roller coaster will propel you from 0-80 miles per hour in less than 2 seconds!

Thorpe Park’s top thrill dragster combines speed and height to create the ultimate theme park thrill ride.


The Swarm

In a post-apocalyptic world, Thorpe Park is under attack from a flying alien race. Step onto Swarm Island to witness the devastation. From an abandoned church station, you’ll burst through a surviving billboard, fly under a crashed plane wing, narrowly escape the rotating blades of an abandoned helicopter and skim past an explosive fire engine.

Join the invasion to see for yourself!

Experience speeds of almost 100km/h as you ride on the wings of The Swarm. Take your seat either side of the track and feel the force of 4.5G, with nothing above or below you but air!


Nemesis Inferno

Burst through the fiery pit at the heart of a steaming volcano. Nemesis Inferno takes an iconic thrill ride and turns up the heat… With your legs hanging freely below you on this inverted coaster, try not to let your feet get burnt!

Spin, dive and swoop around 750 metres of twisted steel track, at speeds of up to 50mph. Our red-hot inverted vertical loop coaster, will point your feet straight up to the sky. Can you do a headstand? You can now!


Experience TEN exhilarating inversions, including a vertical loop, cobra roll, double corkscrew and the UK’s only quadruple barrel roll! Colossus proudly stands amongst the top ten roller coasters with the most inversions, worldwide!

At 98 ft in the air, the iconic steel track stands like the Colossus of Rhodes - a powerful wonder of the theme park world! Fly high and low through Thorpe Park’s Lost City, close enough to wave to visitors on the path, before you dive into an underground trench. Brace yourself: there are surprises hidden around every curved corner on Colossus!


(Not my video as ive not filmed this ride yet)

Saw The Ride 

Ride through Jigsaw’s most intricate torture equipment on this terrifying horror rollercoaster. If you can avoid the swinging pendulum blades, the floor of spikes and the giant rotating blades, you might just make it out alive...

Even the bravest thrill seekers will cling on tight as they face a beyond vertical drop of 100 degrees, from a height of 100ft. Plummet towards the ground with almost no view of the track ahead of you. How can you be sure that it’s really there?!

(Not my video as ive not filmed this ride yet)




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