

After a couple of troubling years and a minor pandemic, it's time for us to rebuild!

23rd to 26th June!

For the first time ever, we have a sequel rally, following on from Build-A-Rally in 2020, next summer we will have ReBuild-a-Rally in Southampton.

Get your Hi-vis out (especially your shorts!) and get ready to party with the dolphins for a construction-themed Rally!

  • 08/05/2023 18:00 to 21/05/2023 23:59: Early Bird [£32.50]
    Book now to secure the best price!
  • 22/05/2023 00:00 to 04/06/2023 23:59: Normal Bookings [£35.50]
    Normal Bookings
  • 05/06/2023 00:00 to 19/06/2023 20:55: Late Bookings [£37.50]
    Late bookings

There are 171 members currently booked on from 27 clubs.
The most recent person to book was Rebecca (Guest).

Featured Event!

Morning and All Day Activities

Pub Crawl Hike - All Day Full

Enjoy a classic pub crawl where you will be dropped off at the pub furthest away from site and walk (or stagger!) your way back! 🏃‍♂️//🚶‍♂️//🔉//🍺 Being a hike, there will be a significant amount of walking.

Cost: £0.00

Spaces remaining: 0/10

Afternoon Activities


Is a kind and generous and cool person

Cost: £0.00

Spaces remaining: Unlimited

Follow our Socials!

Countdown until ReBuild-A-Rally

If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact webmaster@ssago.org.