
Here is a taster of some of the activities you can get up to at KISC, Kandersteg and the surrounding area - whether you are up for a more relaxed trip or an adventurous time in the mountains!!

Day time activities

Later stages of the booking process will give you the opportunity to rank morning/afternoon activities from 1 to 5 to create a personalised programme; ensuring that the trip is suited to your interests as well as allowing you to spend time with different people throughout the week. The allocation system will take into consideration your ranking and cost (indicated in the booking phase). There will also be an option to have free time slots allocated, for those of you who would like to explore on your own.

Evening activities

Evening activities will be optional but we will encourage everyone to attend the International campfire! A range of activities will be offered each evening - whether you'd like to join in with the activities hosted by KISC and have further opportunity to meet Scouts/Guides from across the world or use the evening to relax.

Relaxed Example Programme

Active Example Programme

Random Example Programme

If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact