Join the National SSAGO Contingent

How to join the National SSAGO Contingent

If you’re joining the National SSAGO Contingent (which we recommend unless you want to organise your own food and transport for the 5 days), there are 2 booking systems to complete, the SSAGO one, and the event organisers’ one – while you will need to do both as soon as possible, in order to get the early bird price, you only need to have booked on with the event organisers here:

Book on with Revolution

When booking, you can even log in with SSAGO, to save you time inputting your details! It’s also really important that, if you’re joining the National SSAGO Contingent, when you’re asked for your group and given a list of SSAGO clubs, you select “National SSAGO Contingent” and NOT your club, otherwise we won’t be able to see your booking!

Make sure you pay for your booking, to secure your place, then your revolution booking is complete, and it's time to do your SSAGO booking. This is so we can organise our catering and transport as a contingent, the cost of which will be added to your booking once we know with more certainty. Please answer the questions as accurately as you can for now, but we recognise that it's still a long way from the event and plans can change, so we'll be getting confirmation from everyone at a closer date. You can complete your booking here:

Book on with SSAGO

If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact