
The Committee

What is SSROB?

The SSAGO Strategic Rail Operations Branch (SSROB) is a group of people who at least kinda like trains and are organising rail-related events throughout the year. James has a thing for acronyms, and that's probably why it still exists as a concept.

Event Committee

Meet the team who will be bringing this event to life!

James Barber - Fat Controller (Chair)

James is the Interim Chair (Fat Controller) of SSROB and is organising this event. Please get in touch with him via Discord (Jamescape#0444) or emailing with any questions.

SSROB Committee

The wider SSROB Committee who will also help with this event.

Stephen Moore - Guard (Ticketing)

If anyone can find you cheap train tickets to a SSROB event, it's Stephen. Get in touch with him if you need a hand sorting on your travel arrangements.

Ant Gathercole - MOM (Chief Advisor)

Tells us before we do something stupid, and helps fix it when we do.

If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact