Who's Going?
There are
37 members currently booked on from
6 clubs.
The most recent person to book was
Przemyslaw (Guest).
Birmingham Universities Scouts And Guides (14)
- Amy
- Andreea
- Anna
- Anya
- Ella
- Emily
- Emily
- Holly
- Izzy
- Jude
- Laelia
- Matthew
- Przemyslaw
- Rosie
Derby University Guides and Scouts (3)
Independent Members (3)
Keele SSAGO (6)
- Charli
- Jake
- Megan
- Rhodri
- Rhys
- Rose
Liverpool Universities' SSAGO (1)
Nottingham (10)
- Abby
- Abigail
- Emily
- Emily
- Frederick
- Hannah
- Luke
- Marina
- Matthew
- Vicki
If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact webmaster@ssago.org.