Kit List
Essential Kit
- Club Mascots
- Club Necker
- Tent
- Sleeping Bag
- Roll Mat
- Eating Stuff (Plate, Bowl, Mug, Knife, Fork, Spoon)
- Drinks bottle
- Waterproofs
- Boots/sturdy shoes
- Coat
- Spare clothes
- Socks, underwear
- Towel and Swimming Costume
- Wash Kit
- Sunhat, suncream & sunglasses
Your club may be able to help you with some of this if you don't have it with you at uni - ask them!
Optional Extras
- SSAGO Necker
- Alcohol
- Hammock
- Survival Bag
- Water Pistol
- Cards/board games
- Change for the site shop
If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact