SSAGO goes to 'spoooons
Back for Freshers, and for Halloween...
At 7pm on 2nd November every SSAGO in the country is invited to head to their local Wetherspoons, open up the Wetherspoon app, and buy food and/or drinks rounds for other SSAGOers across the country, secret santa style!
Costumes welcome and encouraged!
If you want to be involved in the secret santa, make sure to book on by midnight 31st October!
Who's involved in the secret santa?
There are 86 members currently booked on from 17 clubs.
The most recent person to book was Sarah (Guest).

Birmingham Universities Scouts And Guides (3)
- Dominic (The Dragon Inn, Birmingham)
- Rory (The Dragon Inn, Birmingham)
- Rosie (The Dragon Inn, Birmingham)

Essex SSAGO (1)
- Adam (The Playhouse, Colchester)

Glasgow SSAGO (4)
- Catherine (The Counting House, Glasgow)
- Emma (The Counting House, Glasgow)
- Liam (The Counting House, Glasgow)
- Nicola (The Counting House, Glasgow)

Guest (1)
- Tadeusz (Mannamead, Plymouth)

Hertfordshire University Guides and Scouts (7)
- Amy (Harpsfield Hall, Hatfield)
- Dan (Harpsfield Hall, Hatfield)
- Emily (Harpsfield Hall, Hatfield)
- Jessica (Harpsfield Hall, Hatfield)
- Nicholas (Harpsfield Hall, Hatfield)
- Robert (Harpsfield Hall, Hatfield)
- Rory (Harpsfield Hall, Hatfield)

Hull's Own Guides and Scouts (2)
- Alex (The Three John Scotts, Hull)
- Ben (The Three John Scotts, Hull)

Independent Members (3)
- Heather (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Leigh (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Phoebe (The Playhouse, Colchester)

Keele SSAGO (9)
- Carrie (The Arnold Machin, Newcastle under Lyme)
- Charlotte (The Arnold Machin, Newcastle under Lyme)
- Eva (The Arnold Machin, Newcastle under Lyme)
- Georgina (The Arnold Machin, Newcastle under Lyme)
- Jake (The Arnold Machin, Newcastle under Lyme)
- Kerry (The Arnold Machin, Newcastle under Lyme)
- Paris (The Arnold Machin, Newcastle under Lyme)
- Reuben (The Arnold Machin, Newcastle under Lyme)
- Sophie (The Arnold Machin, Newcastle under Lyme)

Liverpool Universities' SSAGO (1)
- Rio (The Fall Well, Liverpool)

Newcastle Universities Student Scout and Guide Group (5)
- Beth (The Five Swans, Newcastle)
- Harry (The Five Swans, Newcastle)
- Jack (The Five Swans, Newcastle)
- Jack (The Five Swans, Newcastle)
- Tim (The Five Swans, Newcastle)

Nottingham (7)
- Andrew (The Company Inn, Nottingham)
- Emma (The Company Inn, Nottingham)
- Emma (The Company Inn, Nottingham)
- Jack (The Company Inn, Nottingham)
- Katie (The Company Inn, Nottingham)
- Nicholas (The Company Inn, Nottingham)
- Stuart (The Company Inn, Nottingham)

Plymouth University Guides and Scouts (14)
- Ashley (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Daniel (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Edward (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Fiona (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Frances (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Joe (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Leah (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Matt (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Matt (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Oliver (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Rachel (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Rachel (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Thomas (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Thomas (Mannamead, Plymouth)

Portsmouth SSAGO (9)
- Chloe (Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Portsmouth)
- Ellissa (Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Portsmouth)
- Greg (Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Portsmouth)
- Joshua (Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Portsmouth)
- Katie (Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Portsmouth)
- Lewis (Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Portsmouth)
- Lexi (Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Portsmouth)
- Oliver (Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Portsmouth)
- Thomas (Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Portsmouth)

Sheffield StinGS (4)
- Cameron (The Benjamin Huntsman, Sheffield)
- Daniel (The Benjamin Huntsman, Sheffield)
- Daniel (The Benjamin Huntsman, Sheffield)
- Sarah (The Benjamin Huntsman, Sheffield)

Southampton SSAGO (9)
- Andrew (Giddy Bridge, Southampton)
- Clare (Giddy Bridge, Southampton)
- Jack (Giddy Bridge, Southampton)
- Jake (Giddy Bridge, Southampton)
- Lucy (Giddy Bridge, Southampton)
- Megan (Giddy Bridge, Southampton)
- Megan (Giddy Bridge, Southampton)
- Sam (Giddy Bridge, Southampton)
- Samir (Giddy Bridge, Southampton)

- Chelsea (V Shed, Bristol)
- Emily (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Helen (V Shed, Bristol)
- Jacob (V Shed, Bristol)
- James (Mannamead, Plymouth)
- Matthew (V Shed, Bristol)

University of Bristol Guides and Scouts (1)
If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact