
Welcome to BUGS Easter Camp 2018!


09/04/18 - 14/04/18


We are going to St Brides Scout Campsite in Pembrokeshire.

We will be leaving Monday morning (however your assistance at stores bringing your kit packed is requested if possible) and are due back Saturday afternoon. This gives us 4 days of activities with 2 days of travel.

Your assistance on Sunday 8th to help pack up the bus (and sort out what we need in stores. Please bring your packed bag with you this day to also load on to the bus for a quick and easy departure Monday) & on Sunday 15th to unpack the bus is requested.

The plan so far includes hiking, water sports, climbing, mountain biking and more. Please see the Activities page for a detailed plan.


The cost so far is £100. It won't be higher than this but, if the SU will give us some additional funding due to silly charges on a previous minibus...


Booking is open until Sunday 11/03/18 11:59pm, by which time a deposit of £30 is required.

The remaining £70 balance is due by Thursday 22/03/18 11:59pm, at the very latest.


The menu is not yet decided, so if you have any food allergies/intollerances you MUST include them in your dietry requirements section when signing up.


Any questions, please ask away. 


Thank you very much and I hope to see as many of you there as possible!!

If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact webmaster@ssago.org.